Framework Agreement for the Delivery of Instrument Specific Consumables, Reagents and tests for BenchMark Special Stains Special Colour Instrument.


15 - Intensjonskunngjøring
Kontraktsinngåelse uten kunngjøring av konkurranse
18.08.2018 09.28 (GMT+02:00)


Sykehuset Innlandet HF Sykehuset Innlandet HF
Thomas Aaseth Thomas Aaseth
Postboks 104 Brumunddal
2381 Brumunddal
983 971 709


Concerns the signing of a Framework Agreement for the delivery of equipment specific consumables, reagents and tests for use with the BenchMark Special stains special colour instrument delivered by Roche Diagnostics Norge AS. The Framework Agreement will replace an expired contract and will be signed as a standing agreement that will be valid until the instrument is no longer in use at the Contracting Authority´s laboratory.

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