Replacement of Hoops and Maintenance/Repair of Wheel Bosses on Tram Type SL79


Konkurranse med forhandling
28.06.2018 09.37 (GMT+02:00)
23.08.2018 12.00


Sporveien Oslo AS Sporveien Oslo AS
Heidi Omberg Heidi Omberg
Økernveien 9
0608 Oslo
915 070 434

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Sporveien has, until 1.6.2018 carried out the work of replacing hoops on tram type SL79 itself, whilst maintenance and repairs of wheel bosses have been carried out by an external supplier. Due to the start-up of alterations to the Grefsen base on 1.6.2018, Sporveien has temporarily outsourced the work of replacing hoops whilst this competition is completed. Sporveien would now like to outsource the entire process, including maintenance and repairs of wheel bosses, to one and the same supplier until tram type SL79 is phased out and replaced by new tram deliveries. A new supplier of new trams will be chosen in June 2018.

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