20180009 Framework agreement for hot beverage vending machines and water coolers.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
12.06.2018 09.47 (GMT+02:00)


Skatteetaten Skatteetaten
Bjørg Aakre Bjørg Aakre
Postboks 9200 Grønland
0134 Oslo
974 761 076


Section V: Award of contract
A contract/lot is awarded: yes
V.2.1) Date of conclusion of the contract: 2018-04-27
V.2.2) Information about tenders:
Number of tenders received: 4
The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
V.2.3) Name and address of the contractor
Coca-Cola Enterprises As
976 388 097
Robsrudskogen 5
1470 Lørenskog
E-mail: Hgunnarsen@cokecce.com
Internet address: http://Www.altavdrikke.no
II.2.3) Place of performance:
NUTS code NO
The contractor is an SME: no
V.2.4) Information on value of the contract/lot:
excluding VAT: Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot: 5000000
V.2.4) Information on value of the contract/lot:
excluding VAT: Total value of the contract/lot: 5000000

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