Procurement of scope to Helse Stavanger HF [Stavanger Hospital Trust]


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26.05.2018 09.28 (GMT+02:00)


Sykehusinnkjøp HF Sykehusinnkjøp HF
Silje Bjelland Silje Bjelland
Hermetikken Tollbugata 7
9800 Vadsø
916 879 067


Sykehusinnkjøp HF 916 879 067 Hermetikken Tollbugata 7 Vadsø 9800 Silje Bjelland +47 93491234 Procurement of scope to Helse Stavanger HF [Stavanger Hospital Trust] 2018/706 Helse Stavanger HF intends to enter into a procurement contract with Olympus Norge AS for the procurement of scopes, colonoscopes, gastroscopes, EUS scopes, balloon scopes and drying cupboards. 2914500.00 Helse Stavanger HF intends to enter into a procurement contract with Olympus Norge AS for the procurement of scopes, colonoscopes, gastroscopes, EUS scopes, balloon scopes and drying cupboards. The equipment that shall be procured must be compatible with the existing scopes in the gastro section of Helse Stavanger. The department has a rack from Olympus and the scopes must be compatible with this. This is based on Olympus Norge AS being the only supplier that can provide the delivery, due to technical reasons. The terms in the PPR § 13-4 b) are considered to be fulfilled. Helse Stavanger HF intends to enter into a procurement contract with Olympus Norge AS for the procurement of scopes, colonoscopes, gastroscopes, EUS scopes, balloon scopes and drying cupboards. The equipment that shall be procured must be compatible with the existing scopes in the gastro section of Helse Stavanger. The department has a rack from Olympus and the scopes must be compatible with this. This is based on Olympus Norge AS being the only supplier that can provide the delivery, due to technical reasons. The terms in the PPR § 13-4 b) are considered to be fulfilled. 2018-05-23 Olympus Norge AS Asker 2914500.00 Sykehusinnkjøp HF Vadsø 2018-05-25

See tender at TED:

Mercell Norge AS

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