2018/237 Prior Information Notice — Patient Journeys 2019


(Ikke tilgjengelig)
24.05.2018 09.33 (GMT+02:00)


Helse Nord RHF Helse Nord RHF
Monica Staurbakk Monica Staurbakk
Sjøgata 10
8038 Bodø

Kort beskrivelse

Helse Nord RHF [the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority] wants to inform the market about a pending process to procurement land-based transport by taxi / non-scheduled passenger transport, that ensures patients with different needs are taken care of in a suitable manner. The background for this is that we want feedback from potential service providers, users, licensing authorities and other interested parties on the orientation and aspects of the competition. Helse Nord RHF [the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority’ requests that potential service providers, users, licensing authorities and other interested parties provide input on the orientation and aspects of the competition.

Deadline for input: 15.6.2018.

Contact email address: Monica.staurbakk@helse-nord.no or Rune.saetermo@helse-nord.no

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