Procurement of Construction Material including Trades Services, Øksnes kommune


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
12.05.2018 09.40 (GMT+02:00)
15.06.2018 12.00


Bodø kommune Bodø kommune
Jan Martin Nyström Jan Martin Nyström
Kongens gate 23
8001Bodø Bodø Postboks 319
972 418 013

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Øksnes kommune wants to enter into a parallel framework agreement with up to three tenderers for the procurement of construction material and trades services.

The agreement concerns the purchase of materials that are defined as:

— wood, construction material, individual tools and painting products.

The agreement concerns the procurement of all trades services that are defined as:

— internal and external painting works,

— preparation/renovation of internal walls,

— assembling walls and floor coverings,

— simple internal and external joinery work,

— related interior services (assembly of kitchens, flat packs etc.).

Other services that are naturally related to trades services also belong in this agreement.

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