Framework agreement for Plumber Services


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
10.04.2018 09.20 (GMT+02:00)
01.06.2018 15.00


Sula kommune Sula kommune
Jens Petter Larsen Jens Petter Larsen
Posboks 280
6039 Langevåg
964 980 543

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The primary objective of this agreement is to enter into a framework agreement for the delivery of plumber services for small investment projects and general operational assignments.

We have assess the value of this purchase over a 4 years period of approx. NOK 5 000 000- It is important to note the quantity of this agreement will vary depending on the level of activity in the period.

The value of the agreement is estimated, and it is difficult to provide an exact amount.

Large construction projects will be published as turnkey contracts or individual tenders.

Three tenderers will be selected for this framework agreement. nº 1 will be the primary service provider. nº 2, and nº 3 will be contacted if nº 1 does not have the capacity to take on the assignment.

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