Software for financial analysis and accounts


Kontraktsinngåelse uten kunngjøring av konkurranse
15.03.2018 09.23 (GMT+01:00)


Enebakk Kommune Enebakk Kommune
Lars A. Kløvstad Lars A. Kløvstad
Prestegårdsveien 4
1912 Enebakk
964 949 581


Enebakk Kommune 964 949 581 Prestegårdsveien 4 Enebakk 1912 Lars A. Kløvstad +47 40291915 Software for financial analysis and accounts 2018 Enebakk municipality shall procure a digital tool that is user friendly for analysis, financial planning/unit management, reports and analysis. The municipality would like a web based tool that gives general process support through all the activities in the municipality´s annual cycle for finance and management. The main activities in the municipality´s annual cycle are the analysis of different management parameters, the financial plan, annual budget and reports (monthly, four-monthly and yearly). The aim of the procurement is to make the processes more efficient (automation), ease our resources situation, have easier access to management information, increase the degree of involvement, generally improve goal achievement and increased digitalisation. The system shall be adapted to municipal needs for general management and follow-up of all the activities in the municipality´s financial annual cycle. 2018-03-13 2018/S 040-088788 V.2.3) The chosen tenderer´s name and address, Part 1, NUTS-code NO034 NO071 Justification for awarding a contract without a prior competition: After a search in the market, Enebakk municipality believes that there are no other products that have an equivalent general system. Several municipalities have been a pilot and have developed the system. The system allows, amongst other things, the use of KOSTRA-figures and other public data as a basis for budgeting, management by objectives and other purposes. In addition, there is, amongst other things, a presentation layer that makes it easy to publish the plan for inhabitants, politicians and other parties. Visma notice:

See tender at TED:

Mercell Norge AS

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