A framework agreement for the purchase of equipment for venous blood sample collection for delivery to the health authorities in Helse Vest [the Western Norway Regional Health Authority].


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
27.02.2018 09.20 (GMT+01:00)
04.04.2018 12.00


Sykehusinnkjøp HF Sykehusinnkjøp HF
Hilde Christin Eiken Hilde Christin Eiken

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The Contracting Authority wants to enter into a framework agreement for the purchase of equipment for venous blood sample collection, including vacuum mixers, special mixers, cannulars and holders, stasis bands and venipuncture collection sets. The consumables shall be used in the laboratory clinics at Førde Hospital, Haukeland University Hospital, the Hospital at Stord, Odda and Haugesund and Stavanger University Hospital, and at Betanien Hospital. The tender is divided into the following lots:

— Lot 1: Vacuum mixer (Serum and plasma with/without gel, mixer for Haematology and coagulation),

— Lot 2: Special mixer (Thrombin mixer without gel),

— Lot 3: Special mixer (ACD A and CPDA),

— Lot 4: Cannulars,

— Lot 5: Stasis bands,

— Lot 6: Vacuum mixer: Serum with gel Geographical area 1,

— Lot 7: Vacuum mixer: Serum with gel Geographical area 2,

— Lot 8: Venipuncture collection sets Geographical area 1,

— Lot 9: Venipuncture collection sets Geographical area 2, Geographical area 1: Bergen Hospital Trust, Førde Hospital Trust, Fonna Hospital Trust and the Betanien Hospital.

Geographical area 2: Stavanger Hospital Trust,

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