Sensitive Flights.


Konkurranse med forhandling
17.11.2017 09.49 (GMT+01:00)
14.12.2017 13.00


Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations
Martin Sigsgaard Martin Sigsgaard
Lautrupbjerg 1-5
2750 Ballerup

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

DALO is in charge of entering a framework agreement that meets the Danish Defence's demand for sensitive flights worldwide which may consist of transportation of personnel or goods. The transportation entails Royalties, heads of state, key person in The Defence, Military and other people and personnel which move is considered sensitive.

The framework agreement tendered is non-exclusive, as DALO has its own airplanes as well as the option of booking airplanes via a current framework agreement covering Full Charter Auxiliary Air Transportation Services. Accordingly, if transportation of passengers is needed which do not contain special requirements of sensitivity or the need for short notice when ordering, the current framework agreement, allied or DALO's own airplanes will be used. The framework agreement encompassed by this tender is thus a supplement to DALO's own or already agreed capacity.

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