Patient transport in Flå, Nes, Gol and Ål municipalities.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
30.09.2017 09.18 (GMT+02:00)
01.11.2017 12.00


Vestre Viken HF Vestre Viken HF
Cathrine Lous Cathrine Lous
Wergelandsgate 10
3004 Drammen

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The requested transport applies for the following areas:

Flå municipality; trips within the municipality and trips that cross the municipality boundary, including the Helseekspress (Express Health Bus).

Nes municipality; trips within the municipality and trips that cross the municipality boundary, including the Helseekspress (Express Health Bus).

Gol municipality; trips within the municipality and trips that cross the municipality boundary, including the Helseekspress (Express Health Bus).

Ål municipality; trips within the municipality and trips that cross the municipality boundary, including the Helseekspress (Express Health Bus).

The tenderer shall have the requisite depot place, which will ensure all patients in the entire area transport on the booked collection date.

Tenders can be submitted for each of the above mentioned areas/municipalities, but a tender must be submitted for everything that is requested within each municipality.

Mercell Norge AS

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