Contract 17/1685 Septic sanitation services.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
11.07.2017 10.27 (GMT+02:00)
15.09.2017 12.00


Ringsaker kommune Ringsaker kommune
Ann Marit Holumsnes Ann Marit Holumsnes
2380 Brumunddal
864 950 582

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The purpose of the procurement is to cover Ringsaker municipality's need for septic sanitation services. All treatment devices in the municipality is subject to a compulsory emptying scheme. This applies for all houses, businesses, recreational facilities and other built-up areas included in the emptying scheme, including: — The emptying of interceptors for sludge for houses and recreational facilities, as well as mini treatment plants and sealed tanks in the municipality. The sludge shall be transported to a treatment plant. — Emptying and transport of bio sludge from smaller municipal treatment plants to the treatment plant in Moelv. — The establishment and maintenance of the emptying schedule and emptying routes for the municipality — Registration of emptying, deviation and condition, possibly with pictures. — Acquisition of information from new plants.

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