Turnkey contractor, relaying foundations and renovation of Grønland nursery, exterior is worthy of preservation.


Konkurranse med forhandling
30.06.2017 09.51 (GMT+02:00)
07.08.2017 11.00


Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF
Kristin Gjessing Kristin Gjessing
Postboks 2773 Solli
0201 Oslo
985 987 246

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Grønland nursery shall be renovated, the building shall have new foundations and the outdoor installations shall be upgraded.

Grønland nursery is located in Norbygata 1 and is a two storey brick nursery with a basement and loft, total 992 m² gross with a plot area of approx. 1 629 m². The building dates from 1866, but the building has been upgraded over several periods. The nursery is a department nursery with 5 departments and 87 children.

The property is on the Urban Conservation Office's yellow list and is listed. The building's facade is worthy of preservation (exterior).

Changes to the facade (the exterior) must be approved by the Urban Conservation Office.

Grønland nursery is not currently open and it will not be open whilst the work is being carried out.

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