Analysis of user surveys for schools in accordance with obligatory pupil surveys autumn 2017, autumn 2018 and autumn 2019.


Konkurranse med forhandling
08.06.2017 10.54 (GMT+02:00)
03.07.2017 12.00


Utdanningsdirektoratet Utdanningsdirektoratet
Mads Aure Mads Aure
Schweigaardsgate 15b
0135 Oslo

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The pupil survey is one of several central elements in the national quality assessment system. It is obligatory for school owners to carry out the pupil survey in the autumn term, cf. § 2-3 in the regulations to the Education Act and § 2-3 in the regulations to the Private School Act.

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