2017/745 Procurement of a G-arm for the Orthopaedic Department at St Olavs Hospital HF (replaces 2017/429).


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
03.06.2017 09.42 (GMT+02:00)
30.06.2017 12.00


Sykehusinnkjøp HF Sykehusinnkjøp HF
Anita Sand Anita Sand
Tollbugata 7
9800 Vadsø

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

A G-arm shall be procured for the Orthopaedic Department at St Olavs Hospital.

The apparatus shall in principle be used within all ‘G-arm’ general areas, but mainly for broken hip operations and other bone marrow riveting in the lower body. The apparatus shall also be used at times for back fracture operations. In our case the ‘G-arm’ will be used in the orthopaedic operating room. The apparatus shall be easy to manoeuvre, it shall take up as little space as possible and it shall be easy to operate. The apparatus shall be able to transfer pictures to our Sectra PACS. The offered equipment is therefore required to fulfil the requirements for DICOM protocols and receive a DICOM Modality Worklist.

The estimated value of the procurement is between 1 000 000 — 1 500 000 NOK excluding VAT.

The contracting authority reserves the right to reject tenders that exceed the agreed finances.

The Contracting Authority has an expectation of the estimated lifetime of 10 years.

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