2017/590 Brainlab navigation equipment.


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12.05.2017 09.34 (GMT+02:00)


Sykehusinnkjøp HF Sykehusinnkjøp HF
Vegard Vestavik Vegard Vestavik
Tollbugata 7
9800 Vadsø


Sykehusinnkjøp HF 916879067 Tollbugata 7 Vadsø 9800 Vegard Vestavik vegves@sykehusinnkjop.no http://permalink.mercell.com/68582188.aspx http://www.sykehusinnkjop.no/ 2017/590 Brainlab navigation equipment. 2017/590 The research infrastructure ‘Operating Room of the Future’ (FOR-NorMIT) at St. Olavs Hospital intends to enter into a contract with Ortomedic AS (organisation no. 938 99 8582) for the procurement and upgrade of the current navigation system for research and development of the research infrastructure ‘Operating Room of the Future’ (FOR-NorMIT Norwegian centre for Minimally invasive Image guided Therapy and medical technologies) at St. Olavs Hospital. 2700000.00 The ‘Operating Room of the Future’at St. Olavs Hospital intends to enter into a contract with Ortomedic AS (organisation no. 938 99 8582) for the procurement and upgrade of the current navigation system for research and development of the research infrastructure ‘Operating Room of the Future’ (FOR-NorMIT Norwegian centre for Minimally invasive Image guided Therapy and medical technologies) at St. Olavs Hospital. Ortomedic is the distributor and Brainlab is the developer and manufacturer. The development work will be carried out in close cooperation with NOR-NorMIT through several research projects. The procurement is based on two previous systems that were procured from a research contract that exists between NOR-NorMIT and Brainlab for the development of navigation technology for cluster headaches using Multiguide, which is used to determine the demarcation of the pharynx that is not visible by scopy, in order to take samples of or drain them, inject therapeutic medicaments in structures that lie so deep that they are not available and research and innovation, a previously new instrument for which a patent has been applied for (Multiguide Prototype) in order to take samples of growths and inject botox in a ganglion behind the jaw sinus and the eye during headaches. The other system has a research focus within ENT and advanced cancer surgery. Both systems are currently at FOR-NorMIT and used for research that includes patients from St. Olavs Hospital. The systems are currently available through FOR-NorMIT and they are a part of the national infrastructure with the main aims of research and development of new treatment methods within minimally invasive surgery, image guided, where the development of navigation is the main aim. We are now carrying out an upgrade based on the first 2, with a focus on several research projects for development within neuro surgery. The system that we are now upgrading is provisionally the only one that is compatible with the other system and Multiguide, for which a virtual levelling station was procured for the prequalification of CT and MR pictures, which form the basis for the navigation done within the areas we are now developing. This upgrade is an upgrade of the entire system, where the existing software and instruments will be transferred to the upgraded system. In the long term the aim is that the development that is now being carried out via FOR-NorMIT and the collaboration with Brainlab, shall lead to better technology that gives more areas of use within surgery. Navigation will give better patient safety, as well as lead to a reduction of radiation in and during surgical procedures. 2017-05-07 Ortomedic AS Lysaker 2700000.00 Sykehusinnkjøp HF Vadsø Klagenemnda for offentlige anskaffelser Postboks 439 Sentrum Bergen 5805 +47 55597500 post@kofa.no +47 55597599 http://www.kofa.no/ 2017-05-10

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:181168-2017:TEXT:EN:HTML

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