Procurement of Janitorial services for Aust-Agder and Vest-Agder.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
04.05.2017 09.48 (GMT+02:00)
06.06.2017 12.00


Statens vegvesen Statens vegvesen
Jostein Myhre
Postboks 8142 Dep
0033 Oslo
971 032 081

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The contracting authority requests tenders for janitorial services in Aust and Vest-Agder. The objective of the service is to enter into an agreement with continuous janitorial services for Flekkefjord Traffic Station, Setesdal Traffic Station, Skarpnes Laboratory and Valle Road Station. The contracting authority also wishes to use the janitorial agreement for various janitor works at other properties not included in the continuous services. The service shall be carried out in the period: 1.10.2017 to 30.9.2019.

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