Centralised Automation system.


Konkurranse med forhandling
03.05.2017 09.46 (GMT+02:00)
16.05.2017 12.00


Fredrikstad kommune Fredrikstad kommune
Ivar Larsen
Postboks 1405
1602 Fredrikstad
940 039 541

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The contracting authority hereby invites to a tender contest for parallel framework agreement with 3 service providers.

The contract includes:

— A centralised automation system for Østsiden nursing home II;

— The delivery of a centralised automation system for buildings* included in the current action plan;

— Service and maintenance of the existing installations;

— Up-grading and maintenance of the installed software for lfix, apart from what is provided by the contracting authority itself.

*see the tender documentation and Annex 2 requirement specification.

Mercell Norge AS

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