Delivery and implementation of an IT solution for course and examination planning at Aarhus University.


Konkurranse med forhandling
22.03.2017 09.20 (GMT+01:00)
26.04.2017 14.00


Aarhus Universitet Aarhus Universitet
Casper Uldbjerg
Trøjborgvej 82-84, Reception
8000 Aarhus C
311 19 103

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Kort beskrivelse

Aarhus University is structured in 4 main faculties including institutes, schools, centres and departments with totally 42 500 students and 12 500 employees including part time employees and a turnover of 6 300 000 000 DKK.

AU has around 250 different study programmes spread out across the 4 faculties.

As part of the consolidation strategy on the most business critical systems, it is very important for AU to stabilize and realize the business requirements and processes for a common planning system to execute the planning of courses and examination. The goal in the implementation is to prioritize a strong focus on quality, usability and end-user satisfaction by keeping the solution simple and intuitive.

The solution shall meet the aim of consistency of the core work processes, general common overview, re-usability of data, smooth data exchange between the administration and the teaching environment, process optimization and availability of personalized information and notifications.

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