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The framework agreement is for the maintenance and inspection of manual fire extinguishing equipment, including improvements to and the installation of:
— Hand extinguishers;
— Fire hoses;
— Destruction of hand extinguishers;
— Plough signs.
The framework agreement is primarily for maintenance and inspection, but it also includes the delivery of new extinguishing equipment when the existing equipment must be replaced or when there is a need for more equipment.
The framework agreement is limited to the Contracting Authority's existing properties. Some properties will not be affected by the framework agreement, due to sales, demolition decisions or other reasons. The framework agreement does not include projects such as new buildings or major renovations. Properties can be added to or taken out of the framework agreement during the contract period.
Our properties have more than 2 000 fire hoses and 3 000 hand extinguishers (mainly powder, but also some foam and CO2).
See ‘Annex 1 — Requirement Specifications’ for further information.