1603 Orkdal 2017-2022 Operation and maintenance contract for national and country roads in the Mid-Norway Region.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
15.11.2016 09.41 (GMT+01:00)
12.01.2017 12.00


Statens vegvesen Region midt [The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Mid Norway Region] Statens vegvesen Region midt [The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Mid Norway Region]
Fylkeshuset, Julsundvegen 9, 3. etg
6412 Molde

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Operation and maintenance of national and country roads and foot and cycle paths in Orkdal, Meldal, Agdenes, Skaun and parts of Hemne, Melhus municipalities. The contract period is five years The contract is for operational and maintenance assignments on the road network with function responsibility for some of the assignments. The contract is based on function specified standard requirements and orders for specific amounts. Settlement Form: agreed round sum, unit price and actual amounts.

Mercell Norge AS

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