Framework agreement for the procurement of reagents for detecting bowel pathogenic microbes.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
04.11.2016 09.36 (GMT+01:00)
19.12.2016 15.00


Helse Vest Innkjøp HF [The Regional Health Authority West, Procurements] Helse Vest Innkjøp HF [The Regional Health Authority West, Procurements]
Hroar Berge
Postboks 2334
5867 Bergen

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The aim of the procurement is to cover Helse Bergen HF's need for reagents for detecting bowel pathogenic microbes in the Microbiological Department. The Microbiological Department analyses faeces samples by cultivation, PCR, quick tests and microscope. The Microbiological Department therefore needs reagents for detecting bowel pathogenic microbes. The samples shall be thinned and put in pipettes by pipette robots before nucleic acid extraction is carried out on MagNA Pure 96 (Roche diagnostics). The PCR set-ups are put into pipettes by a pipette robot in 96-well plates. The analyses are carried out in LightCycler 480 (Roche diagnostics) before the data is interpreted and processed by a middleware system. The middleware system connects all the instruments and also communicates with our laboratory information system (Unilab). There will, thus, be a fully automatic process from sample to result.

The procurement covers the delivery of the following products (reagents):

o Product group 1: PCR reagents for detecting bowel pathogenic virus.

o Product group 2: PCR reagents for detecting bowel pathogenic bacteria.

o Product group 3: PCR reagents for detecting bowel pathogenic parasites.

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