Sunnhetsgrenden BT1 — Contract K205 Glass and aluminium works.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
27.10.2016 09.28 (GMT+02:00)
05.12.2016 13.00


Randaberg kommune (Randaberg municipality) Randaberg kommune (Randaberg municipality)
Prosjektil AS Prosjektil AS
Sverre Heskestad
Postboks 40
4096 Randaberg

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Sunnhetsgrenden BT1 is the first part of a major development/renewal of the Vardeheim area in Randaberg. 34 nursing home places and a dentist surgery shall be established in construction stage 1. The ground floor will house communal functions such as reception, dentist surgery, waste, as well as technical installations. A basement car park shall be established under the entire footprint of the building. The 1st and 2nd floors will house nursing home places as well as the administration.

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