2016/677 A hydraulic winch for use on a vessel.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
14.10.2016 09.36 (GMT+02:00)
22.11.2016 12.00
21.11.2016 12.00


Havforskningsinstituttet [The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research] Havforskningsinstituttet [The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research]
postboks 1870 Nordnes
5817 Bergen
971 349 077

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The Institute of Marine Research, c/o the ship-owner department, requires a new winch for the Institute's vessels. The winch shall have electric fibre-optic cables for use in i.a. video rigs.

The winch shall be hydraulic and it must be equipped with slip rings for conductors of electricity and single modus fibre. The winch must have a drum capacity of 3 000 metres with 14 mm cables and stepless speed control. The normal tow depth for the video rig is from 15 m to 2 000 m.

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