Consultancy services, data warehouse and business intelligence.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
25.02.2016 09.23 (GMT+01:00)


Statens Pensjonskasse [The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund] Statens Pensjonskasse [The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund]
Trond Lyngaas
Verkstedsveien 1
00278 Oslo


Section V: Award of contract
Lot title
Consultancy services, data warehouse and business intelligence
V.1) Date of contract award decision
Number of offers received by electronic means: 7
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
Sopra Steria AS
Biskop Gunnerus' gate 14 A
0185 Oslo
Telephone: +47 22575600
Fax: +47 22575960
V.5) Information about subcontracting
The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

Lot title
Consultancy services, data warehouse and business intelligence
V.1) Date of contract award decision
Number of offers received by electronic means: 7
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
Capgemini Norge AS
Postboks 475, Skøyen
0214 Oslo
Telephone: +47 24128000
Fax: +47 24128001
V.5) Information about subcontracting
The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

Lot title
Consultancy services, data warehouse and business intelligence
V.1) Date of contract award decision
Number of offers received by electronic means: 7
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
Accenture AS
Rolfsbuktveien 2
1326 Lysaker
Telephone: +47 67126712
Fax: +47 67126701
V.5) Information about subcontracting
The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

Lot title
Consultancy services, data warehouse and business intelligence
V.1) Date of contract award decision
Number of offers received by electronic means: 7
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
Webstep AS
Lilleakerveien 8
0283 Oslo
Telephone: +47 40003325
V.5) Information about subcontracting
The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

Lot title
Consultancy services, data warehouse and business intelligence
V.1) Date of contract award decision
Number of offers received by electronic means: 7
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
Sherpa Consulting as
Postboks 83 c/o WePe Regnskap AS
1941 Bjørkelangen
V.5) Information about subcontracting
The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

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