Collection waste Bardu.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
08.05.2015 10.36 (GMT+02:00)
11.06.2015 12.00


Bardu kommune v/Innkjøpsservice Advokatfirma AS Bardu kommune v/Innkjøpsservice Advokatfirma AS
Rolf Willy Berg Rolf Willy Berg
Nyveien 19
8200 Fauske
993 415 286

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Bardu municipality, c/o the Chief Municipal Officer, shall hold an open tender contest for the transport and treatment of waste under a framework agreement for 4 years.

Per annum Bardu municipality produces approx. 1 000 tons burnable waste, impregnated/creosote between 2-3 tons, treated wood varies according to construction activities, but between 50 and 150 tons, cardboard and paper approx. 130 tons and approx. 10 m³ returned cartons (approx. 300 kg per m³). The waste shall be collected from Bardu waste site, Steiland, approx. 4 km from the centre of Setermoen.

Bardu municipality has a contract for returned cartons with Grønnpunkt. Bardu municipality currently presses the cartons itself and receives up to 10 m³ per annum. Bardu sanitation currently has a store of the product and will have a better and more even return of the cartons.

See the competition documentation.

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