Noise reduction measures along the new E39 road (European road 39) between Svegatjørn and Rådal.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
17.02.2015 04.38 (GMT+01:00)
09.04.2015 12.00


Statens vegvesen Region vest Statens vegvesen Region vest
Statens vegvesen Region vest
Askedalen 4
6863 Leikanger

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Statens vegvesen Region vest shall construct a new E39 road between Svegatjørn and Rådal. This includes requirements regarding noise reduction measures on the houses situated along the road.

This contract includes noise reduction measures on approx. 25 housing units in the area.

The works include i.a.:

— Replacement of windows and doors in accordance with description.

— Adding newer insulation on walls and roofs, as well as floors in accordance with description.

— Engineering design and establishment of a balanced ventilation plant.

— Accompanying carpentry, masonry and patching works.

— Establishment of sound-deadening valves in the outer walls.

— Establishment of local noise-deflection walls.

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