Consultancy services for the SMIL project.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
05.11.2014 04.35 (GMT+01:00)
12.12.2014 12.00


Oljedirektoratet Oljedirektoratet
Pål Schiager
Postboks 600
4003 Stavanger

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (OD) has started to develop an application portfolio that has been given the project name 'SMIL'. SMIL shall offer communication with the industry in the form of electronic applications, messages and reports from the industry. The SMIL project also includes a case handling system for OD to use for incoming applications.

OD requires consultancy services from one consultant and will enter into a contract for three years with one service provider, with an option for OD to extend the contract for one year at a time up until the project is completed. The contract is valid from 1.1.2015. The estimated contract value is NOK 600,000 per annum including VAT.

See point 3 in the tender documentation for the specifications and further details.

Kind regards,


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