Framework agreement for the procurement, hire and maintenance of Microsoft licences for Hedmark county.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
26.04.2014 04.34 (GMT+02:00)
10.06.2014 12.00


Hedmark fylkeskommune942 116 217 Hedmark fylkeskommune942 116 217
Stein-Erik Rønningen
Postboks 4404, Bedriftssenteret
2325 Hamar

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The aim of the competition is to enter into a framework agreement with a supplier who shall be Hedmark county's dealer for Microsoft licences in the contract period.

The chosen supplier will administer the contracting authority's Microsoft licences and shall be the county's consultant for licence questions during the contract period.

We currently have an Enterprise Agreement (EA), Enrollment for Application Platform (EAP) og School-agreement (EES), and Select-agreement for schools/education.

Mercell Norge AS

Del av Mercell-gruppen, en av Europas ledende leverandører av elektroniske anbudsverktøy og informasjon mellom innkjøpere og leverandører i det profesjonelle markedet.

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