Institution furniture.


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
12.04.2014 04.39 (GMT+02:00)
19.05.2014 12.00


Harstad kommune972417971 Harstad kommune972417971
Sturla Folkestad
9479 Harstad

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The framework agreement is mainly for institution furniture for the health and welfare sector. A significant part of the contract in the first year is for fixtures for a new nursing home at Bergsodden north of Harstad town. Furniture for residents' rooms and communal rooms will be a part of this procurement, whilst office furniture for employees' offices etc. will be procured via a separate framework agreement.

In addition to the concrete delivery for this project, other procurements under the framework agreement will be made according to orders from each unit and will vary in extent and need. The framework agreement can be used for major projects, but the contracting authority can, in such cases, choose to hold a separate competition for these.

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