For the lab animal facilities at Aarhus University we request a software platform for the optimization of management, compliance and lab animal husbandry operations throughout the lifecycle of projects.
The faculty harbors several animal facilities of varying size which house rodents, rabbits, pigs, sheep and reptiles.
Additional species are expected in the future.
It is worth noting that the software must meet the demands of the latest and up-coming Danish and EU legislation within the field and thus ensure compliance.
The Contracting Authority will prequalify three (3) to five (5) candidates provided that at least five (5) requests are received.
The tender procedure regarding purchase and implementation of a system for the management of lab animals, breeding colonies and animal facilities is carried out as a design competition between the three (3) to five (5) contest participants to which the candidates must be prequalified.
The design competition is to be used as a basis for the conclusion of a combined supply and service contract.
The winner(s) of the design competition will therefor afterwards be invited to the participation in a tender procedure with negotiation without prior contract notice according to the Directive 2004/18/EC article 31, section 3.