Center for Døve, Oktobervej 22A, attn: Niels Ove Andersen, DENMARK, - 2730 Herlev. Tel. +45 44391100. E-mail: Fax +45 44391124.
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 7.7.2012, 2012/S 129-214505)
2012/S 178-291954
CPV:66510000, 66512000, 66512100, 66515100, 66515200, 66516100, 66516500
Insurance services.
Accident and health insurance services.
Accident insurance services.
Incomplete procedureThe awarding procedure has been discontinued.The contract may be the object of a re-publication.
Other additional information
Udbudsproceduren er afbrudt pga forsikringstekniske problemer med at gennemføre den i den nuværende form. Alle interessenter vil modtage direkte besked herom. Ny begyndelsesannonce vil blive initieret onsdag d. 19.9.2012.