Definition of a green STRING transport corridor


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
05.07.2012 08.04 (GMT+02:00)
20.08.2012 12.00 (GMT+02:00)


Region Sjælland Region Sjælland
Sandrina Lohse Sandrina Lohse
Alléen 15
4180 Sorø

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Kort beskrivelse

General background

Region Zealand is the project leader in the Interreg-project Green STRING corridor ( The project was launched in December 2011, and is scheduled to run for three years. It is financed by the Interreg IVA Öresund Program and brings together 12 partners from the Öresund region.

The main objective of the Green STRING Corridor is to promote and highlight the potential of innovative transport and logistics solutions for promoting a green transport corridor between the Öresund Region and Hamburg. The project sets out to facilitate cooperation between the business sector, research institutions and public authorities in the STRING corridor. The project content is divided into several work packages and tasks.

Region Zealand is the task leader for the work package looking at ‘Development of a Green STRING Transport Corridor’ (WP1) and is responsible for the activity ‘Definition of a green STRING transport corridor’ (WP1.1). This activity aims to identify a transnational definition of a green transport corridor between Oresund-Hamburg, outlining what a green corridor consists of in the STRING geography; and how green corridors demands and provide opportunities for promoting sustainable economic growth in the region's business community.

Background for the study

The STRING Corridor covers the geography between the Öresund region, representing the largest logistics hub in Scandinavia, and the metropolitan region of Hamburg with the second biggest oversea port in Europe as well as interfacing the geography between these two regions. With the establishment of the fixed link between Denmark and Germany an important “missing link” for a cohesive transport and development in the STRING corridor will be removed, and thereby integrating the STRING regions more closely with the rest of continental Europe.

The STRING corridor is furthermore part of the ‘Central North-South Corridor’ which is part of the core network that the EU Commission proposed in October 2011 as part of the revision of the TEN-T guidelines. This core network should be established by 2030.

With the 2011 ‘White Paper on Transport’ the European Commission presents its strategically based vision towards a competitive transport system that aims to achieve fossil fuel/resource independence and at the same time a reduction of at least 60 percent carbon emissions in the transport sector by 2050.

Especially the corridors of the core network should be leaders of and provide example for the implementation of the Commissions goals towards the ‘greening’ of the transport system in Europe.

Objective of the study

1.Provide a basic description of the transport corridor between Öresund-Hamburg.

2.Identify a common green STRING corridor definition that links to the European agenda on the TEN-T network and highlight how a green STRING corridor potentially could provide opportunities for promoting sustainable economic growth in the region's business community.

3.Provide a conceptual document that can provide an operational definition for forthcoming analysis in WP 2 and WP 3 as well as illustrating the scale and scope of a green STRING Corridor for an external audience.

Results of the study

The output of the study has to be in the form of a report in English, which can be included as part in work package 1 activity 1.1 Definition of a green STRING transport corridor of the EU’s Interreg- project Green STRING corridor.

The study should be split into two parts of analysis.

Part I: Geography and description of the STRING corridor

The study should present the geography of a green STRING corridor through a description of the following corridor elements (listed below) based on existing publications and interviews:

1.Network of actors:

Identification of both public and private actors, that have an active/ relevant role in operating, coordinating, implementing, governing and financing activities within the STRING corridor (incl. contact details, task/role in the corridor, simplify actor diagram).

2.Corridor institutionalising:

Identification of institutions in DE, DK and SE that implement the EU ambition ‘towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system’ along the ambitions of a Core Network and describe framework of this implementation process (incl. simplify activity diagram).

3.Infrastructure quality

General overview of current and expected (until 2030) corridor infrastructure (fx. standards, linkage between nodes). Based on existing studies (fx. IBU, Scandria, EWTC II, TransBaltic).

4.Geography and characteristics of goods flows

General overview of current and expected (until 2030) freight traffic and volumes through and within the corridor. Based on existing studies (fx. IBU, Scandria, EWTC II, TransBaltic).

Each chapter is expected to have a summary and illustrations through graphics and figures/maps.

Part II: Recommendations for/definition of a green STRING corridor

With the document Freight Transport Logistic Action Plan (2007), the White paper (2011) the EU Commission presented not only its vision ‘towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system’ but also defines a list for the achievement of this vision. This vision has been developed further by the Swedish initiative on Green Corridors ( 

Part II of this study should identify how the ideas of the Commissions targets/goals and the Swedish initiative in combination with the results of Part I can be transformed into a number of recommendations that can serve as a guideline for the forthcoming work in WP 1-3 in operationalising the concept of Green Corridors in the specific context of the STRING corridor Öresund-Hamburg and with special attention to transport logistics issues.

It is expected that the overall study will be coordinated with the WP leader and project partners in WP 1.

The task is completed, when Region Zealand has approved the final report.

Time schedule

The study/report has to be finalized by the 30th of November, 2012. A draft/work in process version should be available the 2nd of November, 2012.

Submission of tender

The submitted tender should include information on:

- Expected use of resources to solve the task

- Name and position of person connected to the task with CV

- Documented experience and results within similar assignments.

Deadline for tender

20th August, latest 12 o’clock, 2012.

Tenders, incl. annexes, have to be sent as 1 written edition and an electronic version in pdf-format to Secretary Tina Charlotte Jacobsen, Region Sjælland, Alléen 15, 4180, Sorø. E-mail:

Tenders will be invited for a presentation of tender the 23rd August, 2012, at Region Zealand in Sorø.

Filer (klikk på filnavn for å laste ned)

Tittel Størrelse
WP1.1 Tender description Green STRING Corridor.pdf 171 KB
GSC_flyer.pdf 336 KB

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