Material for surgical sutures


Åpen anbudskonkurranse
31.05.2012 04.13 (GMT+02:00)


VšĮ Klaipėdos universitetinė ligoninė190468035 VšĮ Klaipėdos universitetinė ligoninė190468035
Nijolei Motužienei
Liepojos g. 41
92288 Klaipėda


Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: 1

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

LT- E-mail: Telephone: Fax: Uždaroji akcinė bendrovė "Skirgesa"234449420, Ekskavatorininkų 1b, 52461 Kaunas, LITHUANIA, +370 37457746 +370 37458161

Contract No: 2

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

LT- E-mail: Telephone: Fax: IĮ "Septeka"301501622, Raudondvario pl. 208-16, 47154 Kaunas, LITHUANIA, +370 67415335 +370 37339185

Contract No: 3

Lot No: 14

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

LT- E-mail: Telephone: Fax: UAB "Medekspert LT"302454378, Rinktinės g. 55, 09207 Vilnius, LITHUANIA, +370 52331949 +370 52331949

Contract No: 4

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

LT- E-mail: Telephone: Fax: UAB "JOHNSON & JOHNSON"111778459Geležinio Vilko g. 52636162+370 52755008

Contract No: 5

Lot No: 18

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

LT- E-mail: Telephone: Fax: UAB "Ilsanta"110498671, Goštauto g. 40a, 01112 Vilnius, LITHUANIA, +370 52691610 +370 52691611

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