P2590 Pre-qualification for CBRN Detection, Identification and Sampling


eForm 18 Kunngjøring av konkurranse — Forskrift om forsvars- og sikkerhetsanskaffelser
Konkurranse med forhandling
23.09.2024 10.02 (GMT+02:00)
30.10.2024 23.59 (GMT+01:00)
23.10.2024 12.00 (GMT+02:00)


Daniel Liland Daniel Liland
Grev Wedels plass 1
Postboks 800 Postmottak 2617 LILLEHAMMER

0151 OSLO

Kort beskrivelse

The Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA) hereby invites suppliers to pre-qualification for the procurement of CBRN Specialist systems.

The purpose of this procurement is to renew the capacity of CBRN detection, provisional identification and operational sampling in the Armed Forces. The Armed Forces will solve missions related to search, detection, localization of sources, operational sampling and provisional identification of chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear substances.

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