Monitoring citations to EIGE


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27.06.2024 12.00 (GMT+02:00)


European Institute for Gender Equality European Institute for Gender Equality
Gedimino pr. 16
01103 Vilnius

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Kort beskrivelse

The main objective of this procedure is to conclude a framework contract(s) with professional company/ies capable of providing services related to monitoring citations to EIGE. In particular, this FWC is foreseen to have two lots:

•Lot 1: with a specific objective to monitor citations coming from policy makers

•Lot 2: with a specific objective to monitor citations coming from academia

Lot nr.: 1

Lot 1 – Monitoring citations to EIGE from policy makers

The result of Lot 1 should be that EIGE has in-depth and complete knowledge on how EIGE’s outputs are used by EU-wide and international policy makers and how this evolves over time.

The list of EU-wide and international policy making documents includes as a minimum:

•Outputs from the European Commission as published in the Register of Commission Documents and outputs from JRC and Eurostat

•Outputs from the European Parliament as published in the Public Register of Documents of the European Parliament

•The European Council and Council of the EU outputs published in its Document Register including press releases issued by the European Council and Council of the EU

•Documents from the European Economic and Social Committee and European Committee of the Regions

•Documents from up to ten EU Agencies – the list of Agencies to be monitored will be decided during the contract execution and might change annually

•Outputs from European-wide political groups, including reports and press releases from the European Parliament’s political groups

•Reports and press releases from the Social Platform and key members, such as European Women’s Lobby, ILGA Europe; EDF, ENAR, European Youth Forum, AGE Platform, WAVE Network etc. ), TGEU, IGLYO, COFACE, EAPN, EUROCARERS, ERIO and MenEngage

•Reports and press releases from Equinet and ENNHRI

•Reports and press releases from social partners: ETUC, ETUCE, SME United, BUSINESSEUROPE, CEEP and CESI

•Documents from Council of Europe, UN Women, UNECE, UNFPA, ILO, OECD, OSCE, ODIHR

•Up to 10 think tanks, the list to be monitored will be decided during the contract execution and might change annually

Last tender date: 06/27/2024 10:00:59

Type of contract: Services

Authority: European Institute for Gender Equality

Document URL:

Tenders URL:

Duration contract months: 48

Lot involves: FrameworkAgreement

Criteria definitions: Quality: 70 (Please consult the procurement documents.)

Price: 30 (Please consult the procurement documents.)

Lot nr.: 2

Lot 2 – Monitoring citations to EIGE from academia

The result of Lot 2 should be that EIGE has in-depth and complete knowledge on how EIGE’s outputs are used by academia the importance of EIGE’s research outputs to the academic process and how this importance evolves over time.

While it is practically impossible to collect all citations to EIGE from any academic process, as a minimum this service should cover the international peer-reviewed academic journals. In their offer, the contractor is invited to expand the minimum coverage and propose a larger/more segmented coverage.

The contractor will be expected to deliver quarterly and ad hoc monitoring reports, which will have a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the citations.

Last tender date: 06/27/2024 10:00:59

Type of contract: Services

Authority: European Institute for Gender Equality

Document URL:

Tenders URL:

Duration contract months: 48

Lot involves: FrameworkAgreement

Criteria definitions: Quality: 70 (Please consult the procurement documents.)

Price: 30 (Please consult the procurement documents.)

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