Mid-Term Review of support to the Danish Institute for Human Rights 2021-2025


Begrenset prosedyre
22.01.2024 12.13 (GMT+01:00)
09.02.2024 12.00 (GMT+01:00)


Udenrigsministeriet Udenrigsministeriet
København K

Dato for innlevering er passert

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Background: The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) is a long-standing partner for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) with regard to promoting human rights standards and norms internationally and in developing countries in particular. This mid-term review (MTR) specifically relates to the grant agreement described in the Development Engagement Document (DED) pertaining to the MFA’s support to DIHR under the title “A world where everyone is guaranteed full respect of their human rights”, 2021-2025. Whereas DIHR previously had a framework agreement with the MFA which by and large consisted of core funding to DIHR’s international activities, this DIHR grant represents a shift towards a more results based programme support modality. The yearly allocation of DKK 41 million under the DED constitutes approximately 30% of total donor income for international activities. The partnership between the MFA and DIHR also comprises other engagements such as the Human Rights and Inclusion Consortium (HRIC) under the Danish Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP), the cooperation on Tech for Democracy as well as partnerships with the Danish Embassies in various countries. These other MFA engagements with DIHR will be taken into consideration by the MTR, but they will not be subject to an actual review. The Evaluation, Learning and Quality Department (ELK) of the MFA is responsible for undertaking the MTR with assistance from a team of external consultants. Objective: The objective of MTR is to assess the organisational capacity of DIHR to carry out its international work in line with the DED, including strategic and programmatic achievements and the ability to assess results, progress, challenges, risk factors and possible needs for adjustments. The MTR will include financial monitoring as well as an assessment of DIHR’s financial management capacity, setup, systems, and procedures and how these ensure compliance with MFA requirements and contribute to the achievement of the strategic and programmatic results as set out in the DED. Timing and methodology: The assignment is expected to commence by end of March 2024 and to be completed by early June 2024. It will be conducted based on a combination of document review and consultations with DIHR, MFA and relevant stakeholders, including through country visits tentatively to Kenya, Ethiopia and Burkina Faso. The final methodology/approach will be agreed upon during the inception phase. Qualifications of consultants: The assignment will be performed by three senior consultants with at least 10 years’ international experience in the areas of i) organizational development with human rights expertise, ii) financial and administrative management, and iii) monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning. Consultants should have experience in conducting programme reviews, capacity assessments and/or evaluations and experience with human rights programming. Experience with Danida Programme Management Guidelines and from work in sub-Saharan Africa and fragile contexts is an advantage. Budget: The assignment is estimated to take a maximum of 68 working days divided between the three consultants. The total budget for the assignment incl. fees and reimbursable expenses net of VAT is a maximum of DKK 675,000. Interested Consultants can request to get the instructions prepared for applicants by e-mail to the contact person stated below: Contact person: Anne-Catherine Legendre Contact: •E-mail: annleg@um.dk; cc :elkstud@um.dk •Phone: +45 3392 1544

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