(2023-IGNKP-35) Photovoltaic modules 2,45 MWp


09.11.2023 15.00 (GMT+01:00)
10.11.2023 13.00 (GMT+01:00)


Ignitis UAB Ignitis UAB
Gintarė Valečkienė Gintarė Valečkienė
Žvejų g. 14
LT-09310 Vilnius

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Good afternoon,

Please be informed that we are conducting a commercial procurement exercise for "(2023-IGNKP-35) Photovoltaic modules 2,45 MWp".

In case of any technical questions regarding the Mercell system, please contact Customer Service Manager Vainius Danišauskas, tel. +370 67388 676, e-mail vada@mercell.com

Have a nice day!

Gintarė Valečkienė

Filer (klikk på filnavn for å laste ned)

Tittel Størrelse
Annex No. 1. Technical specification for procurement of photovoltaic modules.docx 92 KB
Annex No. 2. Tender form.docx 48 KB
Annex No. 3. Know your client Questionnaire.docx 67 KB
Annex No. 4. Suppliers Questionnaire.docx 87 KB
Procurement Conditions.docx 51 KB

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