(2023-HLD-225) Trade financing


28.09.2023 10.44 (GMT+02:00)
03.10.2023 16.00 (GMT+02:00)


Ignitis UAB Ignitis UAB
Gintarė Valečkienė Gintarė Valečkienė
Žvejų g. 14
LT-09310 Vilnius

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Good afternoon,

Please be informed that we are conducting a commercial procurement exercise for "(2023-HLD-225) Trade financing".

In case of any technical questions regarding the Mercell system, please contact Customer Service Manager Vainius Danišauskas, tel. +370 67388 676, e-mail vada@mercell.com

Have a nice day!

Gintarė Valečkienė

Filer (klikk på filnavn for å laste ned)

Tittel Størrelse
Annex 1. Tender offer for Ignitis.xlsx 12 KB
Annex 2. Ignitis term-sheet.docx 40 KB
Annex 3. Know your client Questionnaire.docx 63 KB
Annex 4. Suppliers Questionnaire Ignitis Group.docx 87 KB
Procurement conditions_for trade financing.docx 36 KB

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