Delivery of crockery, kitchen equipment and kitchenware


02 - Kunngjøring
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
04.08.2023 09.57 (GMT+02:00)
15.09.2023 12.00


Politiets fellestjenester Politiets fellestjenester
Siv Lund Siv Lund
Fridtjof Nansens vei 14
0369 OSLO

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The Norwegian Police Shared Services shall enter into a framework agreement for the supply of crockery, kitchen equipment and kitchenware for the canteen operation. The agreement covers services that are relevant for all parts of the Norwegian Police Service. The Norwegian Police Service is in this context as the Directorate of Police and it's underlying districts, special agencies and subsidiary units. The agreement shall also include the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget).

Mercell Norge AS

Del av Mercell-gruppen, en av Europas ledende leverandører av elektroniske anbudsverktøy og informasjon mellom innkjøpere og leverandører i det profesjonelle markedet.

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