Framework agreement for consultancy services


03 - Kontraktstildeling
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
21.07.2023 09.30 (GMT+02:00)


Harstad kommune Harstad kommune
Stine Bjugn Stine Bjugn
c/o Postmottak, Postboks 1000
9479 Harstad


Harstad Municipality would like, on behalf of Harstad, Kvæfjord, and Lødingen Municipalities, to enter into a framework agreement for consultancy services for architects and consultant engineers for the following disciplines: 1. Building engineering services: Construction, electro, HVAC and sanitation 2. Fire prevention services 3. Project management/builder ombudsman/ITB coordinator 4. Building and process automation. 5. Architect/technical drafts. 6. Development plans

Mercell Norge AS

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