External auditing services of the National Insurance Fund.


02 - Kunngjøring
Konkurranse med forhandling
16.06.2023 10.10 (GMT+02:00)
31.07.2023 12.00


Folketrygdfondet Folketrygdfondet
Aleksander Smerkerud Aleksander Smerkerud
Postboks 1845
0123 Vika

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

The National Insurance Fund would like to enter into a contract with a tenderer for: • Financial auditing services of the National Insurance Fund, including financial investments for the Government Pension Fund Norway and the Government Bond Fund. • Simple auditor inspection of the half year accounts for the Government Pension Fund Norway and the Government Bond Fund. • Attestation assignments related to further agreed upon areas. • GIPS certification the National Insurance Fund’s financial auditing service and simple auditing services, cf. bullet points one and two, must be in accordance with the provisions dated 13 December 2019, no. 1795 on annual accounts etc., for the National Insurance Fund.

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