Reloading of food and residual waste, and treatment of residual waste (second notice)


03 - Kontraktstildeling
Konkurranse med forhandling
14.02.2023 09.21 (GMT+01:00)


Renovasjon i Grenland IKS Renovasjon i Grenland IKS
Anita Eide
Rødmyrsvingen 63
3740 Skien


Renovasjon i Grenland shall procure a long-term solution for reloading of food and residual waste from the collection scheme in the municipalities of Bamble, Porsgrunn, Siljan and Skien (Lot A). Transport and treatment of residual waste is also included in the contract (Lot B). Separate contracts will be signed for each lot. The contracts will be signed with the same tenderer. The contract periods for the lots are not identical. See the tender documentation for further details on the services included in the two lots.

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