Construction works RFP for Meraki CSC in Lithuania


25.08.2022 16.22 (GMT+02:00)
25.08.2022 16.30 (GMT+02:00)
25.08.2022 16.30 (GMT+02:00)
25.08.2022 16.30 (GMT+02:00)


Luminor Bank AS Lietuvos skyrius Luminor Bank AS Lietuvos skyrius
Jurgita Pacevičiūtė Jurgita Pacevičiūtė
Konstitucijos pr. 21A
03601 Vilnius

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Dear Sir/Madam,

Luminor Bank announce RFP for construction works in Meraki CSC in Lithuania.

If your company is interested to participate in this tender, please follow the instruction listed below:

1. Please fill in the NDA (highlighted in yellow) and if you don't have any comments for NDA, together with extract from Register (showing who can sign on behalf of the company) send it to us via "Communication" section;
2. Luminor Bank will send to you NDA for your signature via Dokobit platform;
3. When the NDA is signed, we will share with you tender material.

Answer to this RFP is expected no later than 2022-08-25 16:00 EET.

Mercell staff will be glad to help you, if you will have any question or problems with using of system. Contact person: Giedrė Česnulevičienė, phone: +370 695 05 615,

Filer (klikk på filnavn for å laste ned)

Tittel Størrelse
Luminor NDA.docx 37 KB

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