Design and supply of cold insulating boxes for the ATLAS and CMS Phase II CO2 cooling systems


17.06.2022 16.00 (GMT+02:00)


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Kort beskrivelse

Pavadinimas Design and supply of cold insulating boxes for the ATLAS and CMS Phase II CO2 cooling systems
Trumpas pirkimo aprašymas Framework market survey concerning the supply of design and supply of 42 cold insulated boxes needed for the ATLAS and CMS Phase II cooling systems, included their doors and feedthroughs, based on integration requirements and a conceptual design supplied by CERN which will specify the exact position of the feedthroughs and envelope dimensions. The typical temperature difference between the internal and external surfaces of the cold insulating box walls is 63 K.
Interested firms shall have proven experience producing cold insulating boxes with internal temperature of -50 K or less and of a size in the range of 1 m x 0.5 m x 1 m or bigger.

Perkančioji organizacija CERN, 108967751

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