Framework agreement for the procurement of cleaning and drying articles INSS 2022


02 - Kunngjøring
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
01.04.2022 10.22 (GMT+02:00)
09.05.2022 12.00


Kinn kommune Kinn kommune
Tore Dammerud
Postboks 294
6701 Måløy

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

INSS would like to use this procurement to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer for the delivery of cleaning articles, including cleaning agents, paper products, dispensers, etc. A detailed product overview is in the requirements specification, annex 1 and in the price sheet, annex 2. Sales statistics for 2021 show that customers in the municipalities procure products in these categories for approx. NOK 12 million - NOK 14 million a year. It is somewhat difficult to state an exact volume, as we have been in a pandemic for this period. The procurement probably has a total value for the entire contract period, including the option period, of approx. NOK 50 million - NOK 65 million. . The maximum amount under the framework agreement in the contract period, including the option years, is NOK 65 million. The scope of the contract is uncertain and neither INSS or the municipalities have any purchase obligation as regards the volume of this procurement. The framework agreement will be signed in accordance with the contract in the tender documentation. The contract will be valid for two years with an option for a further 1+1 year.

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