Voluntary ex-ante transparency notice for a R&D project - reinforcement of bridges with composite surface


15 - Intensjonskunngjøring
Inngåelse av kontrakt uten kunngjøring av konkurranse
21.01.2022 10.23 (GMT+01:00)


Vestland fylkeskommune Vestland fylkeskommune
Øyvind Sætra
Postboks 7900
5020 Bergen


Vestland County would like to establish a development project in cooperation with Module Solutions Systems (MSS). The main aim is to find out whether it is possible to use composite surfaces as reinforcement or for a complete replacement of existing bridge surfaces on concrete girder bridges and steel beam bridges within Norwegian rules and Norwegian climate conditions. VLFK would like to prepare interim reports and a final report with an evaluation of the test result, an evaluation of the project, and further advice. This final report will be public and will benefit everyone. The project has assessed that the time perspective for the testing ought to be five years. During this period sufficient data will have been gathered on how the Surebridge concept functions in Norwegian climatic conditions.

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