E3, Engjelsvåg - Grannes


05 - Kunngjøring av konkurranse - forsyningssektoren
Konkurranse med forhandling
21.12.2021 09.54 (GMT+01:00)
04.02.2022 12.00


Jonn Egil Berget Jonn Egil Berget
Breiflåtveien 16/18
4017 Stavanger

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

IVAR IKS shall establish a new water main from Langevatn water treatment plant in Gjesdal to Tjensvoll control basin in Stavanger. This will secure the water supply in the area, and cover the need for anticipated future population growth. The pipeline has a total length of approx. 34 km, and will traverse the municipalities of Gjesdal, Time, Klepp, Sandnes, Sola and Stavanger. This contest concerns contract E03, pipeline system from Engjelsvåg to Grannes, and includes excavation works and pipe laying. The contract is divided into two stages: stage 3 and 4. A separate quantity description and separate set of drawings have been made for each stage.

Mercell Norge AS

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