Framework Agreement for Purchase of Translation and Review Services


02 - Kunngjøring
Åpen anbudskonkurranse
09.07.2021 10.29 (GMT+02:00)
16.08.2021 10.00


Utenriksdepartementet Utenriksdepartementet
Anette Kraakevik
Boks 8114 Dep.
0032 Oslo

Dato for innlevering er passert

Kort beskrivelse

Utenriksdepartementet v/Enhet for EØS-oversettelse (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs c/o the Unit for EEA Translation) invites tenderers to participate in an open tender contest for the purchase of translation and review services. Enhet for EØS-oversettelse (the Unit for EEA Translation) is responsible for translation and review (quality assurance) of EU legislative acts from English to Norwegian that will be included in the EEA agreement, as well as terminology work in this connection. EU legislative acts are legal texts (primarily decrees, directives and resolutions) within all disciplines included in the EEA agreement. The legislative acts therefore have a large element of legal and technical terminology. A total of six framework agreement are being announced, divided according to the disciplines in which competence is requested (hereafter called sub-areas). How many parallel framework agreements the contracting authority intends to enter into will vary for each sub-area. A total of 30 framework agreements can be entered into.

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