Procurement of a Contact Centre System with the Accompanying Services, including Chatbot for Customs


03 - Kontraktstildeling
Konkurranse med forhandling
07.07.2021 10.00 (GMT+02:00)


Tolletaten Tolletaten
Kari Anne Støkken
Tollbugata 1A
0152 Oslo


Customs invites tenderers to a negotiated procedure for the procurement of a contact centre system with the accompanying services, including chatbot, for Customs. Customs has established a long term vision for a contact point for Custom's users and work has started to structure the receipt of enquiries and send as many as possible to the Custom's future guidelines section. In order to realise the vision, there is a need to procure a modern and flexible contact centre system that can assist with efficient receipt and processing of all types of enquiries. As the aim is to send as many of Custom's enquiries as possible to a joint contact centre system, a system will be needed that can handle both an increasing number of users and an increasing number of enquiries a year. In addition to the actual contact centre system, Customs would also like to implement chatbot technology.

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